
Heating engineer Prague 3 - Žižkov, Vinohrady


You need an experienced heating engineerHeating engineer v Praze 3? Naše firma nabízí komplexní topenářské služby ve všech částech Prahy 3, tzn. Žižkova a Vinohrad. Naši zkušení topenáři jsou připraveni provést jakékoliv opravy, výměny či instalace topných systémů, aby váš domov zůstal pohodlný a bezpečný. Kromě běžných služeb nabízíme také pohotovostní zásahy při haváriích topení.

Prima Servis

Contact us

Your reliable plumber in Prague and the surrounding area.


Pohotovostní topenářské služby v Žižkově a Vinohradech

In the event of an accident, it is important to act quickly. Ourheating engineers are available 24/7 to ensure immediate repair or replacement of damaged parts of the heating system. Our emergency services cover the entire territory of Prague 3, but also the rest of Prague. You can count on fast and efficient help for any heating problems.

Garantujeme kvalitu<br>nejen slovy

We guarantee quality
not just words

We are convinced of the quality of our work, which is why we give | ||742 letou záruku for every service.

Professional heating repairs and replacements

Our heating engineers have extensive experience in solving all kinds of heating problems . Whether you need a minor repair or a complete replacement of your heating system, we are here for you. We provide quality services in Žižkov and Vinohrady, so you can rely on the fact that your heating will always work reliably and efficiently.

You need a heating engineer immediatelyheater in Prague 3 (Žižkov, Vinohrady) or another part of Prague? Our heating engineers are ready to promptly solve leaks, repairs, replacements or cleaning of the heating in your house or apartment.