
Topenář Praha 13 – Stodůlky, Jinonice, Třebonice, Řeporyje


Naši zkušení topenáři poskytují komplexní a pohotové topenářské služby v celém obvodu Prahy 13, tzn. Stodůlky, Jinonice, Třebonice a Řeporyje. Pokud potřebujete spolehlivou opravu, výměnu nebo údržbu topného systému, jsme tu pro vás. Naši heaters make sure that your home remains comfortable and safe in any situation.

Prima Servis

Contact us

Your reliable plumber in Prague and the surrounding area.


Quick emergency heating help in Prague 13

Emergency heating situations can be stressful, so we are ready to intervene at any time. Ourheaters offer 24/7 emergency services - repairs, replacements, maintenance and more, so we can deal with burst pipes, boiler malfunctions or other emergencies right away. We are fast and efficient, which allows us to provide quality services in the entire area of ​​Stodůlek, Jinonic, Třebonic and Řeporyjí.

Garantujeme kvalitu<br>nejen slovy

We guarantee quality
not just words

We believe in the quality of our work, which is why we give a2-year warranty for every service.

Heating repairs and replacements in Stodůlky, Jinonice, Třebonice and Řeporyý

Maintenance and regular repairs of heating systems are the key to long-term reliability. Our heating engineers are experts in boiler replacements, radiator repairs and other heating works. We can handle everything promptly and without a long wait. We work in the entire district of Prague 13 to ensure that your heating is always in perfect condition.

Are you looking for an emergencyheater in Prague 13 (Stodůlky, Jinonice , Třebonice, Řeporyje) or elsewhere in Prague? Our heating engineers are ready to quickly and reliably solve leaks, repair, replace and clean the heating in your house or apartment.