
Heating engineer Prague 1 - Staré Město, Malá Strana, Hradčany


Looking for a reliable heating engineer|| |37topenáře v Praze 1? Naše firma nabízí komplexní a pohotové topenářské služby ve všech částech Prahy 1, tzn. Starém Městě, Malé Straně a Hradčanech. Naši zkušení topenáři v jsou připraveni provést opravy, výměny nebo instalace topných systémů ve vašem domě či bytě. Nabízíme rychlou a efektivní pomoc při jakýchkoliv problémech s topením.

Prima Servis

Contact us

Your reliable plumber in Prague and the surrounding area.


Pohotovostní topenářské služby v Praze 1

If the heating system breaks down, it is important to act quickly. Ourheating engineers are available 24/7 to ensure immediate repair or replacement of damaged parts of the heating system. Are you from Old Town, Malá Strana or Hradčany? Do not hesitate to contact us.

Garantujeme kvalitu<br>nejen slovy

We guarantee quality
not just words

We are convinced of the quality of our work, which is why we give2 years guarantee for every service.

Professional heating engineers for repairs and replacements - Staré Město, Malá Strana, Hradčany

Our heating engineers have many years of experience in repairing and replacing heating systems. Regardless of the scope of the work, whether it is a minor repair or a complete replacement, you can rely on our professional services. We will always provide prompt and effective help.

Do you need aheater immediately in Prague 1 (Staré Město, Malá Strana, Hradčany) or another part of Prague? Our heating engineers are ready to promptly solve leaks, repairs, replacements or cleaning of the heating in your house or apartment.