
Plumbing emergency Prague 9 - Vysočany, Prosek, Hrdlořezy


You need a reliableplumber in Prague 9? Our company offers quality plumbing services in the entire area of ​​Prague 9, i.e. Vysočany, Prosek and Hrdlořezy. Whether you're looking for routine repairs or emergency emergency assistance, our experienced plumbers are here to help. We offer not only professional services, but also fast and effective help for any unexpected problems with water or waste.

Plumbing emergency in Prague 9 – Vysočany, Prosek, Hrdlořezy

When an accident occurs, it is essential to act quickly. Our plumbers are available 24/7 to help you with plumbing, drain or other emergency situations. Regardless of the time or day, you can count on us to solve the problem quickly and efficiently, whether you are from Vysočany, Prosek, Hrdlorež or another part of Prague.

Prima Servis

Contact us

Your reliable plumber in Prague and the surrounding area.


Professional plumbers for accidents and routine work

Ourplumbers mají zkušenosti s řešením různých druhů havárií. Od drobných oprav po rozsáhlé havarijní situace, jsme tu pro vás, abychom zajistili, že vaše domácnost či firma budou opět plně funkční. Profesionální a pohotovou pomoc vám poskytneme 24/7.

Have you had an accident and need an immediateinstaller in Prague 9 (Vysočany, Prosek, Hrdlořezy) or another part Prague? Our plumbers in Prague 9 are ready to promptly solve any malfunction or leakage of water and plumbing in your house or apartment.

Garantujeme kvalitu<br>nejen slovy

We guarantee quality
not just words

We believe in the quality of our work, which is why we give a2 year warranty on every service.