
Plumbing emergency Prague 17 - Řepy, Zličín


Looking for a reliableplumber v Praze 17? Naši profesionální instalatéři jsou k dispozici, aby vám pomohli v jakékoliv situaci. Ať už potřebujete rychlé řešení havárie, nebo pravidelnou údržbu, naše služby v oblasti instalatérství v Řepech a Zličíně jsou tu pro vás. Specializujeme se na pohotovostní služby a máme dlouholeté zkušenosti s opravami a údržbou vodovodních systémů.

Prima Servis

Contact us

Your reliable plumber in Prague and the surrounding area.


Rychlá pohotovostní služba v Praze 17

In the event that you are facing a water system breakdown, ourplumbers are ready to intervene immediately. A quick and efficient emergency service is crucial to minimize damage and prevent further complications. Our professionals for Řepy and Zličín have all the necessary tools and experience to solve acute problems.

Garantujeme kvalitu<br>nejen slovy

We guarantee quality
not just words

We are convinced of the quality of our work, and that's why we give a2 year warranty on every service.

Professional plumbing services - accident resolution

Our plumbing services include not only emergency repairs, but also regular maintenance and prevention. When you need a quality plumber in Řepy or Zličín, you can rely on our experience and professional approach. We will ensure that your pipes and other plumbing equipment work without problems.

You have an accident and you need an emergencyplumber in Prague 17 (Řepy, Zličín) or another part of Prague? Our plumbers are ready to promptly solve any malfunction or leakage of water and plumbing in your house or apartment.