
Mechanical cleaning of waste and sewage


Professional mechanical cleaning of sewage and waste in Prague. We offer quality service with a guarantee on all work done.

Professional mechanical cleaning services

If you are looking for a modern and efficient method for cleaning waste, mechanical cleaning is a great choice for your sewers and wastes. This method is becoming increasingly popular due to its speed and high efficiency. If you are looking for a company that offers mechanical waste cleaning services, do not hesitate to contact us. We are experienced professionals who will provide you with quality services.

Prima Servis

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Your reliable plumber in Prague and the surrounding area.


Jak funguje strojní čištění odpadu?

Mechanical waste treatment is a modern method that is used to clean waste and sewage. It uses a special machine that can remove various types of waste, including solids, grease, sand and stones.

Benefits of mechanical waste cleaning

  • Speed - mechanical waste cleaning is a very fast process and can remove a large amount of waste in a short time.
  • Efficiency - this machine can remove various types of waste, including grease, sand, stones and more of solid substances.
  • Safety it is a safe process that does not endanger human health or the environment.
  • Cost saving || |84 due to the speed and efficiency of this process, waste treatment costs are reduced.
Garantujeme kvalitu<br>nejen slovy

We guarantee quality
not just words

Jsme přesvědčeni o kvalitě naší práce, a proto dáváme 2-year warranty on every service.

Order mechanical cleaning services in Prague

If you are looking for a company that offers mechanical cleaning services, we are the right company for you. Contact us and we will help you with machine cleaning. We will offer you help not only in the center of Prague, but also in the surrounding area.