
Revize kanalizace Praha


Nabízíme profesionální revizi kanalizace v Praze pro zajištění bezproblémového provozu a dlouhé životnosti. Kontaktujte nás pro kvalitní služby.

Sewage overhaul

Sewage is an integral part of every home and its proper function is crucial for a comfortable and hygienic life. A sewer inspection helps ensure that the sewer system is working properly and without problems. Our company offers quality sewage inspection services throughout Prague.

Prima Servis

Contact us

Your reliable plumber in Prague and the surrounding area.


Proč je důležité provádět revize kanalizace

  • Ensures trouble-free operation of the sewage system
  • Prevention of unexpected breakdowns and defects
  • Prevents odors and health risks
  • Increases the life of the sewer system

How often to carry out sewer inspections

Sewage inspections should be carried out regularly at least once a year. If the sewerage is in heavy traffic (e.g. in shopping centers), it is recommended to carry out revisions more often, ideally every six months.

Garantujeme kvalitu<br>nejen slovy

We guarantee quality
not just words

We believe in the quality of our work, which is why we give a2 year warranty on every service.

What does a sewer inspection include

Advantages of regular sewage inspection

Offer of sewerage inspection services Prague

Due to the importance of sewerage inspection, it is recommended to perform it regularly so as not to neglect the basic and important maintenance of the sewage system. If you are interested in a sewer inspection in Prague, contact us.