
Sewage camera Prague


Do you need to check the sewage or pipes with a camera? We offer you a review of sewage and pipelines with a camera. We provide professional and quality services in Prague with a guarantee for all work performed. Detect problems and keep sewers and pipes in good condition with the help of a sewer camera. Contact us for professional services in Prague.

Inspection (sewage) camera: how it works and why you need it

It is important to check and maintain sewerage regularly. This is exactly what a sewer camera will do for you. Revision of sewage and pipelines is suitable not only for a family home, but also for a company.

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Co je inspekční kamera?

An inspection camera is a special camera that can be inserted into drains, pipes and sewers to get an image of the inside of the pipes. These cameras are designed in such a way that they can record even in places of pipes where it would not be possible to reach otherwise, just like wastes, pipes and sewers.

How does an inspection camera work?

Camera is inserted into the waste of the sewage system, pipes and connected to the monitor using a special cable. The image from inside the tubes can then be viewed directly on the monitor. If any problems are visible inside the pipes, such as cracks, fissures, blockages or other blockages, they can be detected and repaired immediately.

Garantujeme kvalitu<br>nejen slovy

We guarantee quality
not just words

Jsme přesvědčeni o kvalitě naší práce, a proto dáváme 2 year warranty on every service.

Why do you need an inspection camera?

Kontrola odpadů, potrubí a kanalizace je důležitá, protože umožňuje odhalit a napravit problémy v trubce, než se stanou vážnějšími. Pokud se například objeví ucpávka, může vést k zápachu, znečištění a dokonce i k zaplavení. Pravidelná kontrola odpadů a kanalizace pomocí kamery může pomoci předejít těmto problémům.

How often should drains, drains or other pipes be inspected?

The frequency of using an inspection camera depends on many factors such as the age of the sewer, the materials used and many others. It is usually recommended to have a sewer inspection done once a year.

Order sewer, waste and pipe inspection services in Prague

If you are looking for a company that offers inspection of sewers and other pipes using an inspection camera, we are the right ones for you. Contact us and we will help you. We will offer you help not only in the center of Prague, but also in the surrounding area.